Beginning of the banking career : At the SBI Staff College - Cricketer Bedi could be seen in the last row
Speaking at a conference of Corporation Bank
With former President, Shri. R. Venkitaraman at his residence in Chennai
Corpbank Public Issue - Speaking at the Investors' Conference in Hyderabad
At the Annual General Meeting of SIB
Shri. Narayana Moorthy lighting the traditional lamp
With Shri. N.R.Narayana Moorthy of Infosys at the launching of the core banking project of SIB.
Speaking at an NRI conference in Dubai. Also seen in the photo are Mr.B.R.Shetty, Chairman and Mr. Sudhir Kumar Shetty, General Manager of the UAE Exchange Centre
A view of the audience
Speaking to the NRIs in Muscat
At a conference in Kuwait
An NRI conference in progress in Germany
Speaking at the Samavayam in Germany
An inauguration in Zurich
On a visit to Kuwait
With Ms. Chanda Kochar, Mg. Director, ICICI Bank, at a function in Sydney
In a press conference in New Delhi
Shri. Yusuffali M.A. opening a new branch of the South Indian Bank
With the Directors of SIB at the Rashtrapathi Bhavan
Pvt. sector Banks' Chairmen at a programme
A meeting of the Chairmen in progress
At the Platinum Jubilee function of SIB inaugurated by Shri. A.K.Antony, then Chief Minister of Kerala
At the Platinum Jubilee function of SIB inaugurated by Shri. A.K.Antony, then Chief Minister of Kerala
At the Annual General Meeting of the State Bank of Travancore as a director